Saturday, August 16, 2008

1 month

We can't believe our little man is already a month old! My how time flies!! It feels like just yesterday that he was kicking around in my belly. ;)

We went to the doctor on the 22nd to have his bilirubin checked. The pediatrician in the hospital was concerned about him getting jaundice. However, he was doing great and no jaundice in sight. On the 22nd he weighed 7 lbs. and was 17 1/2 inches long.

my 1st dr. appt.

When he was just 10 days old, Stratton was already rolling onto his side!! I know...can you believe it! I was changing his diaper (while resting in pain on the couch-haa!) and he tried to escape me! :) Grams (my mom) and I were just shocked...and of course, I realized never to turn -even to grab a little wipe-again! Then, about 9 days later, Stratton rolled from his tummy to his back!! I keep telling Stratton that he is sooo strong because of all the chicken and green beans we had to eat. (go ahead...laugh with me)

Then, at 13 days, he was wanting his Grams to stand over his pack and play and turn the little bear mobile. Since it is not battery operated, this did get a little exhauting for us. But!! It was just amazing how much he wanted to be stimulated!!
By the time he was 18 days old, he was rolling from his tummy onto his side. And, at 20 days, he rolled from his tummy to his back!! He is our little olympiad, as auntie pete would say! haa!

On August 1, we had his 2 week well baby check up. He weighed 7.3 lbs. and was 17 1/2 inches long. Since he had only gained .3 lbs in about 10 days, the pediatrician suggested feeding him less more often. I think we were a little spoiled to eating 4 ounces every 4 hours. Haa! He had been spitting up quite often though. So, we adjusted his eating schedule, and sure enough, at the weigh in on August 8, he weighed 8.11 lbs. and was 18 1/2 inches long. WOW! He gained a ton in 7 days!

feeding time with daddy

He was cooing at 26 days! And, just talks up a storm. He amazes us everyday!

His umbilical cord had fallen off when he was 18 days old! About 2 weeks later it still didn't look like it had healed. And, he was extremely fussy for about an hour after every feeding and spitting up again. So, we headed to the pedi. The pedi. decided it was time to try a different formula to see if that was what was causing the fussiness. Sure enough, the new formula has been just right! And, it turns out he had an umbilical granuloma. Apparently, it only occurs in 1 out if every 500 births. It was just tissue that was on the button. The pedi. covered it in silver nitrate and after a second does of that a week was healed!

We are loving every minute of parenthood! Thank you to everyone who came to the hospital and house to meet our little miracle! You all mean so much to us and we love you dearly!

Here are a few pics from his first month!


1 week

my 1st swing RIDE

my 1st BATH



i heart my boppy!!

We are truly blessedd and God is awesome! Please say a prayer of thanks for us and continue to pray for Stratton's good health!

We Love You! XOXO

in Him,
Stephen, Laurie and Stratton

"I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders."

-Psalm 9:1


KimmieAnna said...

He is beautiful!!!


Kacey said...

Oh my gosh! He is so cute!! i am so excited for you guys. I am 32 weeks and counting! Can't wait to get this little girl in my arms. Glad to see everything is going so smooth! Steven, you look like a pro!

EDENS said...

Hey there girlie--
Stratton is too cute. sounds like you had a stressful pregnancy. i am glad everything turned out well. i love his room adorable.