Friday, July 11, 2008

Baby Spence Update

Dear Family and Friends,

Thank you so much for all of your prayers and support during this miraculous time for us!! We really appreciate it!

I am sorry that it has been so long since we have since out an update. I know many of you have emailed, called and even texted. I am so sorry that I haven’t been able to respond. The last 8 weeks have been more than exhausting, but they have also been filled with blessings, happiness, and miracles. Since the last week of school, we have had 2 or 3 doctor appointments a week! So, if I wasn’t spending hours at the doctor, then sleep seemed to take me over. :) Although it has been stressful and exhausting, we have gathered a whole photo album of ulatrsound pictures! I have posted some of them in this blog.

About mid-May we had a little scare. Baby Spence decided he was going to take the day off and scare us to death. He is such an active little guy that when I didn’t feel him moving much during the day-I began to get worried. After calling the doctor and doing kick counts, we ended up in the hospital that night for an NST (monitoring the heart) and Biophysical Profile (checking my amniotic fluid, his breathing, his heart, and movement). Turns out…he did just decide to take the day off. After that our OB decided that at 30 weeks we would begin NSTs twice a week and a Biophysical Profile once a week.

31 weeks

face (check out those cheeks!!)

The last week in May we began the NSTs twice a week and the Biophysical Profile once a week. Then, at 33 weeks (when our OB was out of town no less) the amniotic fluid dropped to 5.3. It was measuring 13 the week before. After it gets below 4, it is considered dangerous for the baby. So, we were admitted to the hospital. Later that evening, the Perinatologist came in to check my fluid again. It was up to about 7. He felt safe in letting us go home in hopes that the baby would hang in there until 36 weeks so that his lungs could develop.

At this point, the baby’s measurements changed. His head and stomach were measuring 2 weeks further along than I really was, and his femur bone was measuring about 2 ½ weeks behind. This could just be genetic or it could be a sign of down syndrome or spina bifida. The Perinatologist suggested trying to make it to 36 weeks and then deliver. At 33 weeks, he weighed a little over 5 lbs.

We continued the NSTs and Biophysical Profiles. It has been such a blessing to have ultrasounds weekly. We have loved getting to watch him grow and change. We have had so many appointments that my mom, Stephen’s mom, and Lasen have been able to see him on the ultrasound.

I also have continued to see the endocrinologist. My blood sugars have remained controlled-even though it has been almost unbearable some days from the hunger and cravings.

34 weeks

My fluid has stayed around 8. Then, at 35 weeks the Perinatologist measured the baby to weigh about 7.12 lbs. His head and stomach were still measuring about 2 weeks further along than I really was, and his femur was still about 2 weeks behind. He weighed 7.12 lbs. at 35 weeks. He decided to let me carry for 2 more weeks, since the placenta and fluid were looking good. Then, he estimated little baby Spence would weigh at least 8.5 lbs. by the time we deliver. YIKES! :)

We are now 37 ½ weeks! The NSTs look great, and even though my fluid fluctuates and is now at about 9, his Biophysical Profile looks good…and it appears as though he is having a blast in there! :)

37 weeks

36 weeks 4-D
face with his hand on his cheek

On Tuesday, the OB scheduled my induction for July 15th. We will go into the hospital that night to be induced, and then he should be born on July 16th. I was dilated to a 1 on Tuesday, and he could feel the baby’s head through the bags of water.

We finally finished the nursery!! Thank you Nikki and the fam for all of your devotion to this project! We are SUPER excited and can’t wait for little Stratton’s arrival! Here are a few pics of the nursery. I tried to get the whole was tough! haa!

We are almost at the finish line. Stephen has been amazing the last 10 months! I am so blessed to have him. He continues to cook for me everyday, and he even manages to deal with these ridiculous hormones! Haa! He is a blessing!

Thank you to all of you who have come over and helped us get ready for this big adventure. We really appreciate all the help. Thank you to all of you who have written, called, and texted. It means a lot to us!

Please pray for us this next week! We need your prayers for his femur bone and the delivery!! Please pray that everything goes smoothly with the induction and delivery and for his little femur bone. And, we ask that you continue to pray for us to keep our strength and faith in these last few days of the pregnancy…and please say a prayer of thanks for us! For He has answered SO many of our prayers already!!

And, unless he comes on his own in the next few days…he will be here next week!!

God Bless,
Stephen, Laurie and Stratton

** On my way to school everyday I pass an automotive shop that posts scriptures/words of faith. The morning after we found out we were pregnant this was the scripture that was posted.

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7

He does listen, and He truly is an amazing God and ha
s blessed us over and over again!!